my foray into bicycle repair and fixed-gear bicycles.
Ok, so, nothing has actually changed. That is, I haven't done anything physically to my bike. However, what has changed is I've spent some time doing some reading, and scouring craigslist in an attempt to find some parts I'm going to need. I believe I've found most of what I'm looking for, and I've found somebody with what I believe are the tools I'm going to need.
So, the plan is, at this point, to buy these parts (namely, a brake, some handle bars, maybe a new stem, a track cog and some clips), remove the freewheel from my current rear wheel, get some spacers, put together the rear wheel with the track cog on instead, possibly redish the wheel, and... then that should be mostly it.
So... I've got a plan, I think, now I'm just trying to close on the various people I've started talking with about parts.